Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AIDS in the World

AIDS is the fast becoming and the worst human disease disaster the world has ever seen. It is clear that in the next ten to fifteen years, AIDS will claim more lives than any other epidemic. As a matter of fact, every year and a half, it claims more human lives than the Holocaust. Nothing can be compared to the drag that AIDS has caused to human life.There is just no human suffering and devastation as worst as it is. In the year 2002, there have already been 28 million recorded deaths due to AIDS and that is only the paltry beginning. The United Nations Security Council has labeled AIDS as a global security threat.According to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, terrorism is not the most serious problem faced by the world today, but the AIDS epidemic. It is more than anything else destabilizing the entire planet (Hunter 2003).History of AIDSThe Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or commonly known as AIDS was first observed in 1981. When it was first observed, it gained little attention as an infectious disease among experts. Accordingly, the first report was by Dr. Michael Gottlieb from the University of California Los Angeles. It was nothing from the AIDS that we know today. He described it as a rare form of pneumonia among homosexual men.At the same time, there were also other reports referring to the same disease saying it was a rare kind of cancer (Conner et al 2007). Furthermore, the most mainstream case would be what happened in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where they publish an article entitled â€Å"Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report†.In this article, experts described the case reports of five young men at three different hospitals in Los Angeles. All five of them were sexually active and gay. Also, all five of them are suffering from a lung disease.Furthermore, there were also case reports on 26 young homosexual men from New York and California that were diagnosed with Kaposi Sarcoma that was on the extreme level accompanied w ith skin and mucous membrane lesion.It is observed that most of the victims were homosexual men so scientists asked what practices the homosexual community is engaged in that made them contract the disease. They postulate that a drug called amyl nitrate used by homosexuals to increase sexual pleasure may be the culprit.There is also a theory that there are certain organisms in the homosexual body that caused the disease. By 1983, aside from the United States, there were already 16 countries that reported AIDS cases alongside more than 1000 Americans that were positively diagnosed (Weeks and Alcamo 2006).This situation is often compared to that of the story of the six blind men and the elephants that is familiar to all of us as children. The elephant was the disease and the six blind men were the scientists and doctors that were grappling with its emergence.They still do not have a clear idea what AIDS is, so they were treating the epidemic piecemeal. What physicians observed was tha t patient’s immune system was literally suppressed but they do not have any idea it was the very cause of the disease. Before 1984, the situation worsened.There were no clear definition for AIDS, no test available to affirm the diagnosis, and certainly no cure was in sight (Weeks and Alcamo 2006).Despite the pessimisms among the people, researchers were beginning to unravel the mysteries of the disease that soon they call AIDS.   The observed symptoms were then later on labeled as AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome mainly because the symptoms were consistent with damage to the immune system among healthy people.Furthermore, it was also learned that the disease was not congenital nor was it inherited but acquired from an infection of a virus. As of the present, the disease has become a prominent fixture in everyday language as its common name AIDS (Conner et al 2007).Basic research on AIDS was primarily done in the United States by two of the leading governmental in stitutions: the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). There were also studies conducted in Western Europe by Pasteur Institute.The Pasteur Institute was famous for their specialization in virology because it started out as center to combat rabies, the most horrible of all viral diseases. Prior to this, scientists in this institute has also done other viral discoveries such as that of Constantin Levadati who discovered the polio virus, Amedee Morrel who studied animal onco-viruses, and Felix d’Herelle who discovered bacteriophage.They are part of the team who had will soon develop the field of molecular biology and soon understand the biological strategy of the AIDS virus (Grmek et al 1993).The Pasteur virologists first encountered AIDS during a controversy about the Institute’s production of hepatitis-B vaccine. The process required a massive amount of human plasma. In 1981, they purchased around 2, 500 liters of plasma from the United States blood banks.A third of these were mixed to European plasma in order for them to prepare vaccine. When the product was tested to the chimpanzees, one of them developed hepatitis, and another died out of arbovirus infection (Grmek et al 1993).In September 1982, Jacques Leibowitch, a physician working at the Raymond Poincare Hospital in Paris had been convinced that AIDS is caused by an exotic virus of African origin that affected T4-cells transmitted by blood.The description of the virus was similar to that of HTLV retrovirus. He gave a seminar at Cochin hospital and informed the French task force about it. The French Task Force was pretty much convinced that the retrovirus might be the probable cause of AIDS. They were also –persuaded that it could be transmitted through blood (Grmek et al 1993).Other scientists believe the agent came from a virus that causes African swine fever since the same virus can result to immune suppression of pigs. Others believed that i t was cause by a slow virus, one that is multiplying at an extreme low rate that it only affects and manifests itself in the body after a few years.Another group believes that the agent is a vital escapee from a genetic engineering laboratory. There was also speculation that says that it came from a failed biological war against Cuba (Grmek et al 1993).In the United States, the group of Robert C. Gallo identified a virus in the blood of 48 patients with virus. They named the virus HTVL-III. They have published their works on the Science. In a few months that followed, there has already been a rivalry between the American and French experts each claiming that they were the first one who isolated the virus.They contested that they should be one who’ll receive international awards, research grants, and millions and billions of dollar patent rights. Until, they have settled after some time that the virus that they have been examining were of the same type. The United States for i ts part have a

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hanging (Out) with the Masters

At first glance, it is easy to think that not much is happening in Mark Kostabi’s Hanging with the Masters. We get to simultaneously view works of art from various art movements as they dangle motionlessly from their taut strings. Everything is nonchalant and serene against the sky blue background, the threat of gravity underneath disappears, and even the anonymous human figure tied to a noose by the neck has surrendered. Whatever was supposed to happen in the painting has already happened. No action is caught. This is the state in which we find things because we have unfortunately arrived late.This apparent lack of motion is what makes Hanging with the Masters so busy. By kidnapping an assortment of works of arts, miniaturizing and tying them in place to become manageable spectacles (classic paintings within a present-day painting), Mark Kostabi has converged, or more appropriately eroded, time and space. There is no nostalgia for the kidnapped paintings at all; just a matter -of-factness. Very postmodern. Taken out of their contexts and arranged in a whole new landscape, the works of arts inside the painting call attention to themselves. Each one of them competes for our attention.Even if we recognize only one of the paintings/mobiles/cartoon character Hanging with the Masters blatantly references, we still get the feeling a kidnapping has happened. Something has been violated and celebrated at the same time. The verb hang takes on two meanings: Hang a picture, Hang a person. As if decoration and decoration are the same thing. And Mark Kostabi is unapologetic. DEAD MAN PERFORMING In the middle of it all, there is the faceless, sexless artist with the paintbrush pointing downwards, the hanged human,—all red (red-faced, red-bellied, and red-handed) from an unseen light source. It is as if he/she has failed a mission.In the essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin tells us that â€Å"[Mankind’s] self-alien ation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order† (681). After exhausting every possible medium and subject of art, from Campbell’s soup cans to elephant dung, we only have to turn to ourselves next, explore and defy the thresholds of our own body and mind, as if they are the next frontier to turn into art. True enough, the hanged artist in Hanging with the Masters is engrossed in his/her own performance art. He/she is both a subject and object.If in modernism the subject is a â€Å"rational, individualistic, responsible, unified self†, in postmodernism, that subject is dead (Chernus, â€Å"Fredric Jameson’s Interpretation of Postmodernism,† par. 7). What replaces is an â€Å"identity [that] must be conceived as an intersection of conflicting subject positions† (Collins 337). Kostabi’s hanged artist is neither male nor female. We can’t tell if he/she is just p laying dead. We are not sure if his/her execution was forced or self-willed. If this were punishment, we don’t know what the sin was. We aren’t even sure if he/she really is a painter, or just someone with a good grip on the paintbrush.Like a true postmodern subject, everything about the hanged artist is open to speculation. One thing we are sure of though is that now he/she has laid claim to being a work of art. And who doesn’t want to be a work of art, a shiny spectacle, in our YouTube generation? MEETING HALFWAY Hanging with the Masters instantly inherits timelessness just because it gathers samples of classic works of arts all in one place. What’s more is that these works of arts are tied in place. As if we are looking at a museum wall and the theme is A Very Short History of Art.Hanging with the Masters cleverly showcases cultural artifacts of the past (a nude, a cartoon character, a Warhol-style portrait, a mobile, an op-art painting), and at the sa me time it gives a commentary on those cultural artifacts. According to Jim Collins, â€Å"[†¦] the past is not just accessed but ‘hijacked’, given an entirely different cultural significance than the antecedent text had when it first appeared† (333). In postmodernism, such â€Å"highly self-conscious forms of appropriation and rearticulation have been used by postmodern painters, photographers and performance artists† (335).But because they have been hijacked, the works of art have lost their â€Å"aura† and â€Å"quality of presence†, terms which Walter Benjamin uses to describe the authority of the original work of art that is not yet reproduced or recopied (667). For Benjamin, this diminishing aura of the work of art every time it is reproduced or finds itself in a different context (Edvard Munch’s screaming man in a mousepad, for example) is okay because it â€Å"enables the original to meet the beholder halfway† (667) . Also, according to Benjamin, it is perfectly natural and okay for cultural artifacts to lose their original intentions and change into something else.His example is that of an ancient statue of Venus. For the Greeks, it was an â€Å"object of veneration†, but for people in the Middle Ages, it became an â€Å"ominous idol† (669). â€Å"Both of them, however, were equally confronted with its uniqueness, that is, its aura† (Benjamin 669). What we see now in Kostabi’s painting are works of art that are classic examples of the art movements they are part of. They are works of arts that are exclusively tied to a genre, tied in place in the painting’s unseen ceiling, just like the hanged artist. If there is any aura left, it is only a memory of that aura as we try to identify each work of art.Yet, ironically enough, Hanging with the Masters’s style itself is tied to the surrealist art movement. The painting itself cannot escape the same bonds whi ch have taken the other paintings as captives. But of course, this is okay. Everything in postmodernism is okay, and things are not judged based on whether they are good or bad, but only whether they work for us. According to Chernus: †¦a cultural artifact is now just a random collection of signs momentarily existing side by side, ready to change at any moment into another random collection. So it cannot point beyond itself to any meaning.It cannot represent any reality outside itself. It cannot even raise the question of its relationship to any reality outside itself. It refers only to itself; it is its own referent. [†¦] Since the signs are not supposed to relate to anything beyond themselves, it makes no sense to ask what they mean. So the problem of meaning simply disappears. (Chernus, par. 19). THE MEANINGLESSNESS OF IT ALL The meaninglessness of postmodernism can be depressing but that’s what is happening right now. The millions of YouTube video clips uploaded every day don’t have to make sense at all, but we enjoy watching them all the same.The more stupid and the more disgusting, the better. YouTube has given us a platform where we can be our own celebrities, our own artists, our own works or arts, where we can be viewed by millions other simultaneously. And we all wish we’d get lots of hits every day. Just like the hanged paintings in Hanging with the Masters, we try to be amazing so we can be worthy of being looked at. Underneath it all, just like the paintings, we are all just competing for each other’s attention. Maybe we can call each YouTube clip a cultural artifact in its own right. They, after all, tell a narrative.They tell us a little something about the person who uploaded it. They tell us that at one point in time, somewhere in the world, this person took the trouble of recording a clip of himself/herself, never mind the ulterior motive. Sure, for a cultural artifact, it may be fleeting, and it is not e ven tangible, but as each footage weaves into the next one and a medley of voices occur and we are overwhelmed by the sheer number of people out there in the world, a whole community our parents’ parents never knew existed back then, we lose the urge to explain things or make sense of them.We simply turn on our curiosity and enjoy the fact that all these are happening right here right now. As Chernus has said above, there is no reliable meaning anymore and there is no point in finding the relationships of things. It is quite possible then that Hanging with the Masters is really, at the end of the day, meaningless. That, really, it is just a collection of images randomly picked. If the audience recognizes one or two paintings embedded in Hanging with the Masters, then they’re lucky and good for them.That will add a new layer to whatever meaning they decide to put into it. If not, then the painting is still nice, and deep, and mysterious, still very marketable. Which is the fate of cultural artifacts in late capitalism: to become commodities in an everything-is-for-sale world (Chernus, par. 7). It is okay to not find or force any connections among the images trapped inside Kostabi’s painting, or even reunite them with other images outside the realm of the painting.For Chernus, the postmodern way is to â€Å"accept the images living side by side in an ever-changing kaleidoscope† (Chernus, par 26). In this postmodern world where diversity is very much welcome, Hanging with the Masters, as a present-day cultural artifact, makes a strong statement about harmony. In the end, it’s not just about works of art with clashing differences in style and opinion and meanings being able to coexist peacefully in a single canvas. Substitute â€Å"people† for â€Å"works of art† in the sentence and you get the bigger picture.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Newspaper Op-Ed Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Newspaper Op-Ed - Article Example Legislations aim at safeguard the functionality of a given institution. The bill being proposed to allow the patients to choose whether to use experimental drugs, shall mean medical practitioners are have limited control in matters public health. Any action requires an individual to take responsibility. The medical code of ethics means that each doctor or nay other health officer is enshrined by a given set of roles thus must adhere to these rules. This implies that any effect of a given drug to a patient. My allowing the use of experimental drugs will mean that each patient would be liable if the drug negatively affects them. This will mean that the doctors and other medical officers will be reduced to inactive members in public health. This will culminate into malpractices by these officers with knowledge that the existing regulation protects them from any punishment. This will hence undermine the essence of ethical code of conduct. The patients will be subjected to commercialized health system that cares less on practitioners’ ethics. The bill fails to specify under which circumstances the experimental drugs will be used. The loophole in the bill will create room for the medical practitioners to use these drugs for their own benefits. This will entail using humans as ‘guinea pigs’ in an attempt to create a product that commercially benefit the doctors administering treatment. The use of human in test the raises the question on the ethical components of the experimental drugs. Companies will collaborate with health providers in a scheme to test their drugs on humans. The patients will subject to a series of drugs without their knowledge. The essence of any public health institution is to ensure the patient’s welfare is protected. The physicians in any facility should ensure any activity improves the wellbeing of their patients. In any terminal illness case there is the question of when should the ending

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research proposal 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research proposal 2 - Essay Example In Texas, a nurse practitioner who works with adult patients in their homes is mandated to see these patients between six months to a year depending on the sector. In private sectors, the nurse practitioners see the patients’ once a year, if the patient is in a home health they are seen by the physician or nurse practitioner on initial admission or at least in the last 90 days prior to admission (Hess, Lynn, Conforti, & Holmboe, 2011). In federal or state sectors, the nurse practitioners visit is once a year or as needed. â€Å"For adult patients 50 yrs. old or greater with hypertension, will increasing the Nurse practitioners visit from three times a year to every six weeks improve medication compliance and reduction in exacerbation of patients’ condition? Increasing the number of visits made by nursing practitioners to aged patients with hypertension can be effective in enhancing the patients’ capacity to comply with medication and reduce exacerbation of patients’ condition. Aged patients with hypertension – within the context of this research these are the participants of the study, are individuals aged between 50 and 75, diagnosed with hypertension, and are on medication. The sample will be selected for a population of men aged between fifty and seventy-five years of age. Individuals included within the research will be those diagnosed with hypertension and are under medication, which they are taking from their residence. Hospitalized individuals under medication will not be included within the research sample, as the aspect of compliance to medication cannot be established. Because of the specificity of the desired sample, non-probability sampling will be utilized in selecting the study sample. Convenience sampling will be utilized as the researchers will only utilize the available individuals who meet the study requirements and who are willing to participate in the research. The sample

Current Events and the U.S Diplomacy Assignment - 3

Current Events and the U.S Diplomacy - Assignment Example An emphasis on United States foreign policy after it discovered that there was Oil in the Persian Gulf, but other threats such as the Soviet Union using their troops were attempting to secure the region. As such, the doctrine stipulates that the United States had already declared its interest in the region (Carlsnaes, Risse-Kappen & Simmons 2013). According to Barfield (2010), the relationship between the United States and Afghanistan dates back to the 18th century although it was officially sealed in 1921 when a treaty was signed to confirm the diplomatic relations that had begun gaining ground. However, the relations between these two countries became much stronger during the Cold War, after the then President Turman declared that the diplomatic relations that had already started growing were going to be strengthened by the fact that senior diplomats from Afghanistan would be placed in each capital in the United States. Between 1948 and 1953, the two countries exchanged numerous diplomatic visits which greatly improved their relations. As a result, the United States began giving Afghanistan economic support in order to build infrastructure especially in major cities since the country had been rated as one of the poorest among the third world countries. Once the economic aspect had begun improving, the United States gave further support on the technical aspect, which was meant to develop skills that would later lead to a modern economy. Nevertheless, the United States declined to give Afghanistan any defense cooperation at the time. In a general sense, the end of the cold war relation between the two countries was characterized by the invasion of educated people from the United States who took over the hospitals, schools and other economic related aspects (Bacevich, 2002). Interestingly, the current relationship between the U.S and Afghanistan is quite complicated especially after the United States was boomed in 2001 by Osama Bin Laden.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Roles Played by Financial Institutions in an Economy Essay

Roles Played by Financial Institutions in an Economy - Essay Example Financial Institutions play a very important role in the economy by the provision of various financial instruments (Frank, 2003). Different types of Financial Institutions provide different services to its members or clients. For example, Banks provide such services as mortgages, loans, and credit cards while on the other hand a financial institution such as Insurance Firms provide services such as insurance services, securities and buying and selling services of real estate. These financial institutions, however, interconnect with one another to provide different roles in the economy. Some of the major roles of Financial Institutions are discussed in this essay as follows. The first major role of financial institutions in the economy is that the financial institutions motivate the financial sector of the economy. Financial institutions such as banks in most cases will use the resources that they own to benefit themselves (Sera, 2005). They will use these resources to make profits for themselves and for their own growth. This is however helpful to the economy of a country as there will be an increase in the business of investing when these financial institutions grow. This because there will be a boost in the financial instruments such as an increase in the number of loans that a bank can give to an individual or to other companies. With the growth of these financial institutions, the financial sector of the economy becomes motivated and the economy of the country is strengthened. The second role of the financial institutions in the economy is that the financial institutions will introduce and develop Niche strategies.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Leadin organizational design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadin organizational design - Essay Example There is no single right approach. From the experience we got from the exercise, it is clear that solid arranging practice is basic to change administration victory. There are numerous change situations that call for some diverse reactions. Maybe expanding rivalry requests another concentrate on holding existing clients? Then again perhaps extraordinary business victory is bringing about developing aches? It is safe to say that you are ceaselessly filtering the natures turf (markets and rivalry)? Be vigilant in administering attention to the outer environment so the need for change could be promptly recognized. Additionally, it is important to note that a participative arranging procedure is basic to change administration victory. Despite the fact that change may be started by a singular, key stakeholders should additionally thoroughly consider and comprehend need for change. Furthermore, stakeholders must experience the improvement of vision and method. A thorough and normally prolonged methodology of data imparting and dialog is important to make arrangement of the center gathering. Time and vitality went through in intense gatherings with the right individuals will transform stronger systems and solid authority all around the association. On the off chance that these tests are succeed, the change activity will profit from a solid vision and system upheld by a solid, profoundly adj usted center change management as it is the case with Global Tech. William Bridges work is concentrated on the mental process that people experience when adjusting to change. Associations that utilize the Transitions model highlight the exact individual and in some cases excruciating excursion that happens when we relinquish the past and end up in the unbiased zone, on our route to a fresh start. Once more, EC tests pioneers to think about scaling the singular brain science

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Convergence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Convergence - Essay Example The Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP is the most significant convergence service that is expected. It had been forecasted to generate $196 billion in 2007and by 2008, 20% of U.S. homes are expected to have VoIP telephones. Over $1 trillion in revenues through 2010 may be generated by aggregate VoIP revenue between now and 2010 alone. From a wide variety of business and consumer Internet Protocol appliances, convergence may also generate new revenue which includes next generation digital music players, home entertainment systems, home video phones as well as enterprise collaboration system. By 2010 the value of this market was forecasted to be worth almost $90 billion, over the next five years cumulate value will be $360 billion. Through 2010, other emerging products and services which would generate sizeable revenues include the following: enterprise collaboration software ($60 billion); Internet Protocol Television (IPTV, $55 billion); mobile phone content ($50 billion); network games ($35 billion); online music ($20 billion)."2 For the past decade, convergence wherein voice, video as well as data communications are supported by a single network has been an important future direction. As more legacy communications infrastructure is upgraded to integrated internet protocol (IP) equipment it will continuously give importance to future direction. Networking is simplified through network convergence, wherein instead of two three or more, it creates one infrastructure to operate and manage. All sorts of interactive as well as real-time multimedia applications and processes could conceivably be supported by converged network. When network convergence was first being proposed through Internet Protocol technology, about 10 years ago, it was a different age for communications and it was a time when in separate network universes, voice and data existed. Moreover, it was segregated by infrastructure which was designed to avoid interference. Internet Protocol eventually became the building block for singular pathway for all forms of network communications. For the past decade, network convergence has focused on voice-data integration in telephony through Internet Protocol technology. IP telephony session was held last week and a group of approximately 30 IT professionals including technical representatives from IBM Canada Ltd. As well as Cisco Systems Canada Co. assembled in order to discuss the driving business values of the technology. The discussion was focused initially on the most popular and proven of application of network convergence which eventually led to examining greater value of consolidating busi ness networks into one.3 In the near term, the health region has a need for a revamped telephony strategy in order to replace its aging as well as costly equipment and services. However, over time, there is a plan to address a wide range of communications challenges. At an "end of life" condition within five years, the health region has a large number of single-purpose propriety networks. During his presentation, Mr. Beaurivage, states that "Converging these single-purpose networks onto one IP-based platform offers unique integration possibilities."4

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 14

ART - Essay Example Her serene expressions depict her inner tranquillity or it could be a sign of melancholy. The Lady in the portrait has alluring lush dark-long hair; her skin tone is fairly light brown, her body is shapely and subtle. Hence, she fulfils all the terms of being an aesthetic beauty, who is out in the nature to be noticed by the artist. Her noticeable ornaments are a finger ring, two bangles in her wrist and a shoulder band tightly enclosed around her upper arm. Ornaments like finger rings either portray commitment or are a sign of wealth. In this portrait, the woman is dominated by blue colour and has beauty all around her in the form of flowers and crystal blue water, but she has tightly closed her eyes either due to serenity or despair. Hence, the portrait leaves one a bit perplexed, the expression spread across her face depict self-possession or serenity, but the element of bliss cannot be suggested for it. Thus, one concludes that the lady in blue is either feeling grey, blue or

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Totalitarian Governments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Totalitarian Governments - Essay Example Totalitarianism is an "extreme form of oppressive government with limitless power that uses ruthless force to exert absolute control over all individuals within a society (Orwell 1)." Totalitarian government comes in many forms. However, these commonly come under pretext ideologies like "internal or external enmity, national security, mass fear and common good objective (Orwell 1)." The totalitarian government in Russia before the World War II can be characterized as a communist government which took root from Marxist Socialism. Before the formation of the Soviet Union, the region was dominated by monarchist forces. However, the dissatisfaction and discontent from monarchist government ensued to civil war. The Bolsheviks who were led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin demanded a highly disciplined, centralized, and dedicated revolutionary elite rather than a mass party. Thus, the Bolsheviks had a long and bloody fight with the monarchist forces and became known as the Communist Party. This commenced the arrival of communism in Russia. The basic ideology behind communism was the establishment of a classless, stateless, and social organization which is based upon the common ownership of the means of production. This new ideology governing Russia before the World War II gave rise to new policies especially economic reforms.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Goldings modern fable Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

Goldings modern fable Lord of the Flies Essay What gave Golding the inspiration to write the great novel, Lord of the Flies? He wrote the Lord of the flies novel soon after the war, which was later published in 1954. So it was soon after the war when he wrote it. So was this where his inspiration came from for the novel. Did seeing children suffering give him ideas? Did the Hitler give him inspiration for jack and Churchill for Ralph? Did the war lead him to write the book at all? We dont know now, and probably never will do! But we can guess. We can try and work out what made him write this incredible tale of the children gone savages who fight for survival on the island. The children where being evacuated from the war when they crashed. Ralph was the first character to be introduced. He came out the story to be the strong one. The leader who only wanted the best to come of things and to end it all and get home, just like Winston Churchill wanted to win the war. Jack on the other side, turned out to be more evil, more sadistic and much more savage then Ralph. He was being compared to Hitler or Mussolini. The main evil powers in the Second World War. The conch represents the democracy in the play. It could well be related to the democracy between countries, the vote, the councils and the League of Nations. Golding could well of thought of a symbol that was needed to represent this on the island. The only thing stopping them from tearing each other imp from limp. Just like the rest of the world in the war. The conch was there for peace on the island, and the councils were there to stop the world from destroying one another completely. The fire could well represent a piece of the war of mass destruction. The blitz, for example. It destroyed half of London, like the fire destroyed half the island. Londoners were getting scared the war would never end, after something so bad happened. Golding incorporated this by using it like the boys on the island, seeing this destruction made them realise, this may never end, and they may all die soon. Once they had been there a little while. They began to turn into savages. Ralph knew this wasnt going to end soon. They knew things were going to happen, friends and enemies would be made and it would be along time till it ends. This was the case of the war. Hitler and Churchill knew it was a long-term war and they could be there for years. Golding probably noticed during the war, that people tried to be brave. But beneath the skin, they are truly scared. The people who went off to war, had to be brave, to show those they are confident, that they want to win, to set an example for the people at home and the children. Golding sees this, and puts this into his characters. Everyone on the island was scared, Especially the littluns. Ralph and Jack have to be strong. They are scared, but need to put on a brave face for the sake of everyone. People will breakdown without stronger people to support them like Ralph and jack and the bigguns. Golding has again, related his characters to the human beings that took part in the war. He has compared them, and they basically have the same feelings, just shown in different ways and surroundings. Golding also relates the ending to the war. How d-day is the same as the last bit of the Book. However, Ralph was now related to Hitler and Jack, Churchill. This is because, Jack is winning, and he almost has Ralph, almost has him stuck and almost has the end of Ralph. He has him cornered, when it ends. Just before Ralph is about to be killed it all over. The ordeal they have gone through has ended in 5 minutes. Just like, the last day of the war, When Germany is close to loosing, they surrender, and its all over. I think the early 20th century was a good source for Goldings book, Lord of the Flies. The war was the main thing to happen in the years of Golding writing the book. He saw things first hand and wrote down this in a story, which he changed to make a story, but used the same roots as the war stories. Golding book was a fabulous story of boys, who are stranded, but he hides the fact hat its related to the war well. You dont really notice it, but looking beneath the skin of the book, you actually realise the strong resemblance it has with the war.

Rise of E Vehicle Essay Example for Free

Rise of E Vehicle Essay MANILA, Philippines? There? s something about electric vehicles. They don? t use gasoline or diesel and therefore don? t pollute the air. They run without noise and are cost-efficient. If Filipinos are educated about the benefits of using these ? plug-in? modes of transportation, they would be wondering why we haven? t caught up with the craze yet. Going ? green? is all the rage right now because of climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Global warming threatens not only the survival of the human species, but also of other living things big and small that call Earth home. Serious efforts have been made to counter or at least minimize the adverse effects of global warming. Because emissions like carbon dioxide from fossil fuels are a major source of global warming, people have sought alternative sources of energy like solar, hydro and wind power. They have also come up with electric vehicles. Four different kinds of electric vehicles now on the market were showcased at PowerTrends 2009, a renewable energy exhibition held on Sept. 9-10 at World Trade Center in Pasay City. The e-vehicles displayed at PowerTrends? the e-jeep, e-car, e-bike and e-quad? are generally priced higher than their gasoline-powered counterparts. E-vehicle makers, however, are after advocacy, not profits, says Karl Magsuci, business planning and development manager for EVnnovations Inc. , distributor of the first Land Transportation Office-registered e-car in the Philippines. ?What we? re doing right now is education and raising awareness,? he says. All four e-vehicles have zero carbon emission. Their batteries could be charged via a simple household electric socket. Plans to build a biogas-powered recharging station are in the works. In some areas, like Puerto Princesa City and Boracay, plans to phase out gasoline-powered jeepneys are underway, with e-vehicles gradually being incorporated into their transportation system. e-car The Reva e-car, popularly known in London as G-Wiz, was first launched in Bangalore, India, in June 2001. EVnnovations Inc. wants to introduce Reva to the Philippines as a viable mode of transportation. This two-seater uses eight 48-volt deep-cycle-lead-acid batteries, which charge in eight hours at a cost of P84. Charging for two hours already powers 80 percent of Reva? s batteries, says Magsuci. Fully charged, Reva has a maximum range of 80 kilometers, 60 km when the air-con is used, and a top speed of 80 kph. By contrast, a gasoline-powered car would require about P350-worth of gas to travel 80 km. No change oil There? s virtually no maintenance involved when using the e-car, says Magsuci. ?No change oil, for instance.? The batteries have an average life span of two to three years. Changing batteries would cost around P50,000, says Magsuci. The only drawback to the e-car is the price, says Magsuci. ?There? s apprehension in the market due to the prohibitive price,? he says. The e-car is considered a luxury vehicle here, says Magsuci, thus, the cost almost doubles upon reaching our shores. Costing around $10,000 in India or around P500,000, plus import tax, Reva? s cost could reach close to a million pesos, he says. He explains, however, that Reva is initially not meant for everyone, but only for a very specific market? the ? high-end,? and environmentally conscious individuals and companies. ?Walk the talk,? he says. ?It? s time for us to introduce green alternatives, mitigate climate change, and make people ? green? in their motoring habits.? Leasing program. Selling Reva in the Philippines may not be that easy, says Magsuci. That? s why EVnnovation is looking at the possibility of a renting or leasing program. Introducing the e-car through public transportation, he adds, is also another way to make its presence known. The e-car, however, cannot compete with one? s existing car at this time, Magsuci says. ?It? s only meant to supplement your current fleet as an alternative vehicle,? he says. ?Think about the future, long-term effects.? At the moment, there? s still no tangible support from the government for the promotion of Reva, according to Magsuci. He hopes that trade shows such as PowerTrends will help promote ? green? alternatives. For more information on Reva electric car, contact Karl Pietrus Magsuci of EVnnovations at 3701314, fax No. 3741671-72, e-mail [emailprotected] com, or visit http://www. evnnovations. com/. Their office address is 8F Ramcar Center 80-82 Roces Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. e-jeep The e-jeep was first launched in 2007 in the cities of Makati, Puerto Princesa and Bacolod as part of the Climate Friendly Cities project of Green Renewable Independent Power Producers Inc. (GRIPP). It started its commercial run last year. GRIPP is a local consortium of environmental groups, including Greenpeace. Tapped by GRIPP to produce the electric vehicle, the Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturers Association of the Philippines now assembles e-jeepneys through its business arm, Philippine Utility Vehicles Inc. (PhUV). The first prototypes were imported from China. The e-jeep costs P650,000. It uses 12 6V 220AH batteries, which charge for eight hours at a cost of P150, says John Marasigan, PhUV assistant sales manager for electric vehicles. A fully charged e-jeep has a maximum range of 55 km and a top speed of 35 kph. Thirty-five units of this 14-seater have so far been sold to a number of government and private institutions in the Philippines, 20 of which are in Makati, says Marasigan. They include De La Salle University in Dasmarinas, Cavite; Plantation Bay Resort in Cebu; the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas in Manila; the House of Representatives in Quezon City; and Embarcadero waterfront development in Legazpi City. e-quad The e-quad, or e-tuktuk, marks its launching at PowerTrends 2009. With a seating capacity of six, the vehicle is designed as an alternative to tricycles in subdivisions, according to Marasigan. ?It is ideal in subdivisions because there? s less noise,? he said. ?Plus it can run in floods.? The e-quad sells for P300,000. For inquiries about the e-jeep, e-bike and e-quad, contact John Marasigan of Philippine Utility Vehicles Inc. at 9365022 or 9308012, e-mail [emailprotected] com, or visit www. gripp. org. ph and www. ejeep. org. The office address is 2 Susano Road in Bo. Deparo, Novaliches, Caloocan City e-bike. Twenty-five units of e-bikes have so far been sold by Philippine Utility Vehicles Inc. Ideal for use in beach resorts and other recreational spots, most e-bikes can now be seen running in Boracay. Selling for P27,000, the e-bike has a maximum range of 25 km and top speed of 20 kph. Its batteries require only four hours to fully charge, costing around P100. What? s good about the e-bike is that once the battery runs out of power, the bike can still be used in the traditional way. By pedaling the e-bike, one does not only get good exercise, but also charges the batteries.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Development of Diabetes Register

Development of Diabetes Register The national DEMS aims to support diabetic health professionals in providing real-time information when and where it is required. Electronic medical records (EMRs) are an important means of enhancing patient wellbeing through inaccuracy reduction and to enhance clinical care quality (Lester, Zai et al. 2008). EMRs have previously been effective in refining diabetes management and enhancing organizing of care among multi disciplinary teams (Lester, Zai et al. 2008). Accomplishing interoperability between EHRs and registries will be progressively more vital as the utilisation of registries and EHRs develops considerably (Gliklich and Dreyner 2010). The typical viewpoint regarding establishing a diabetes register is by assembling electronic patient files held by GPs medical centre’s of diabetic patients (Morris, Boyle et al. 1997). Another alternative is to gather patient records electronically from multi sources to a central source in order to achieve a more comprehensive register (Morris, Boyle et al. 1997). When setting up a diabetes register it should be carried out according to NICE guidelines which include: â€Å"Patients demographics adjustable risk factors medicine prescribed Attendance at practice or diabetes outpatient clinic† (OKelly, Foy et al. 2008). The set of accessible data sources is the most important factor in determining the capabilities of disease surveillance system. The purposed Irish diabetes register will utilise information from PCRS and NCSS data sources. PCRS contains information regarding prescribed drugs and medicines typically taken by diabetics such as statins (cholesterol lowering medications) this information is gotten from the General Medical Services Scheme. T2D patients can be identified by their need to use oral diabetes prescriptions such as oral anti-hyperglcaemic which can be taken on their own or with insulin (OShea, Teeling et al. 2013). The scheme affords entitled persons access to free health care as well as prescription medication (OShea, Teeling et al. 2013). The PCRS gathers the information on â€Å"dispensed prescribed medication† a monthly basis from the scheme, these medications† are coded using the WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system† (OShea, Te eling et al. 2013). As well as checking these data sources, hospital diabetic clinics might contain patients not already on the national register. â€Å"Patients with medication treating T2D can be identified using the prescription of oral anti-hyperglycaemic agents alone or in combination with insulin as a proxy for disease diagnosis†. Diabetes register aids the identification and tracking of clinical outcome (Lester, Zai et al. 2008). The registry can be kept up-to-date in an automatic manner when run against laboratory results and GP practice EMR (Lester, Zai et al. 2008). The registry needs to up-to-date and not to contain stagnat data. Initially is it perceived that there will be two data sources: NCCS and PCRS. Hospital diabetes clinics – extracted to register Regarding the laboratory system, patient whose records contained information regarding glycated haemogloblin, plasma glucose, urinary microalbumin and serum creatinine were considered to be diabetes as well as oral glucose tolerance test confirming the diagnosis of diabetes or outpatient plasma glucose concentration of greater than 11.1 mmol/l (Morris, Boyle et al. 1997). All laboratory results applicable to diabetes care are available electronically; patients could be identified and included in the register. Registries typically gather information from various data sources, this is typically done by collecting information from various sources and linking the information across data sources, either with identifiers intended for linking or by recorded attributes of the patients to whom the information match up to (Gliklich and NA 2010). Most general method for record linkage typically depends on the presence of unique identifiers (Gliklich and Dreyner 2010). Once verified that the information is correct, it will be necessary to verify that the data can be uploaded correctly onto the Diabetes register. Look at hipe extract as an example Gathering of data from an assortment of data sources capitalizes on the available data on each diabetic patient and ensures comprehensiveness. The National Cancer Screening programme/ schemes provide data on . Data includes demographics, history of, treatment. This data is stored electronically on NCCS database whish a password protected designed database. The hospital system has a record of patients registered Duplicate patients records are avoided by the use of an report based on similar surnames, forenames and hospital numbers. Data of birth comparison. As data is collected from a number of sources it necessary to remove duplicate records. â€Å"Currently there is no unique number assigned to individuals accessing health and social care in Ireland which would enable the accurate identification of individuals†. â€Å"Therefore cases are cross-matched from the different data sources. A range of variables, including names, gender, county of residence, data of birth are used to match the data†. [dissertation Benefits realization information technology in a national surveillance system, Patient demographics download All systems to remain in sync. A patient enters a hospital is registered on the PIMS and that information is then sent to laboratory system. Healthlink server , the vendor provides the code handles how the file gets sent from nimis software suite The laboratory system requires an interface to PAS system to enable demographics and clinical information for common patients to be shared between the two systems. HL7 interface facilitates the transfer of demographic information between the PAS and laboratory systems. Information from PAS is extracted and formatted using iSoft Integration Engine. The laboratory system will communicate with the Integration Engine using HL7 messaging over TCP/IP sockets Patient information is entered or modified in PAS. The resultant transaction is recorded in PAS audit service. The audit service is continually monitored by iSoft Integration Engine which is configured to look for relevant transactions. For each transaction, the associated information is extracted from PAS and formed into the appropriate HL7 message for immediate onward transmission to laboratory system. The laboratory interface continually listens for HL7 messages from PAS. When a message is received it is analysed to check its purpose and check that the information is correct. If the patient number referenced in the message is unknown to laboratory system then the patient will be registered otherwise the patient details will be updated based on the contents of the message. Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure HbA1c Creatinine Microalbumin Patients attending Hospital diabetes clinics, Graphically representation on the main screen. Health care professionals perceive that there is not enough time in the day to carry out their workload. There needs to be effort made to ensure quick data review and efficient action (Lester, Zai et al. 2008). A graph will be generated to display on screen to demonstrate changes in weight and blood pressure to emphasize the importance of the data. The report function enables automatic printout of letters to GPs, episode details and annual review for filing in the patients case notes, referral letters to other specialities. Auditing All transactions within the system will be audited. This means that transactions will be recorded with a snapshot of the data and the user performing the action. The system needs an audit function to facilitate audit. Validation Data entry validation are used to minimize the risk of errors; duplication entries. Performance The system will be utilised on the National Health Network which will facilitate reliable and robust network on which the system to work on.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Whether it is a manmade or natural disaster, it definitely includes risk, vulnerability, and hazards. The characteristics of a disaster or unpredictability, unfamiliarity, speed, urgency, uncertainty and the threats writes wicked story of destruction on the earth. Disaster management and defense system: Dealing with and avoiding the risks resulted through a disaster is known as disaster management. This operation includes preparation ahead of a mishap and disaster response. It is a long-term process which continues as an effort, sometimes a group effort, to runback the normal life process by avoiding or eliminating the scratches of the disaster. Individuals, communities or the social groups help themselves and others in disaster management through supporting and reconstructing the society. Natural disasters have no specific schedule or targeted place to happen as it happen anywhere, anytime. Yes, every local and central government has their own disaster management wings but they can’t guarantee you complete protection on-spot or on-time. Just ponder; you are enjoying a family vacation out station and sudden you get an alert of storm! In this situation, you are the only person to safeguard you and your family rather than a trained disaster management volunteer. So, all of us need to be prepared to prevent a harassing situation which is not mentioned in your day-planner. Disaster management and safety tips: The following safety tips for some critical natural disasters will help you a lot in future. Disaster management strategies for every type of disaster include a three stage planning and execution tactic i.e. before– during – after the disaster. Safety Tips for Earthquakes: Before earthquake: A safety plan plays a vital role i... ...dates from TV and radio. If you experience smooth jerks or found a crack is increasing in your wall, immediately leave that place to a safer place where you will be safe. Don’t stand under any buildings or river-side or on the border of a heap. After landslide: Don’t go near or into the slide areas just after the landslide as there should be risk of further slides. Help and organize relief operations for the trapped people. Check the condition of the home before living in it. For long-term solution, you can contact the geological department or local administration for developing an evacuation strategy. To protect the greenery, health and wealth, a strong action plan against manmade disasters and complete knowledge regarding natural disasters is required. Education awareness in Odisha is a helpful stuff to spread the voice of safe environment among the common people.

San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) :: Informative Essay

San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) is a free information and referral switchboard providing anonymous, accurate, non-judgmental information about sex. If you have a question about sex, we'll either answer it or refer you to someone who can! We answer sex questions and offer referrals to resources like books, support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, Web sites, and more. Ask questions by e-mail or by phone on our phone switchboard. Our volunteers undergo extensive training in all aspects of human sexuality, including reproduction, birth control, safer sex practices, HIV, sexual identity, and gender identity. Would you like to learn more about us? San Francisco Sex Information is a California certified provider of continuing education for psychotherapists and social workers (PCE # 3387). The Sex Educator Training meets the qualifications for 36 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Arrangements for CE credit must be made in advance by contacting the Training Coordinator: SFSI does not provide refunds for non-attendance. The Sex Educator Training also fulfills the 10-hour human sexuality pre-licensure coursework requirement for marriage & family therapy interns and clinical social work interns. Sex Educator Training Spring 2005 Learn basic sex information, communication, and education skills, plus gain personal insight. Topics include: * Sex, gender, and orientation. * Listening effectively. * Identifying your judgments and assumptions. * Now accepting applications for Spring, 2005. Interviews are in March and classes are in April and May. * Class dates have been announced. --> Learn about training Local Events Quick Look at events: Saturday March, 19th at 9pm - 3rd Annual "Catholic School Karaoke Party/Prom" at The 540 Club --> Learn about SFSI events Contact SFSI --> Ask questions by phone --> Ask questions by e-mail --> Offer Web site feedback --> Ask questions about SFSI itself How You Can Help SFSI --> Tell teachers about SFSI --> Tell doctors about SFSI --> Tell journalists about SFSI --> Tell friends about SFSI --> Request SFSI flyers & cards to distribute --> Volunteer with SFSI --> Donate to SFSI online Learn About Sex! You may find your answers on our frequently asked questions pages, by searching for a topic in the search box at the top of every page, or just ask us by phone or e-mail. Ask SFSI by phone! Ask by Phone (415) 989-SFSI — Please help support our organization provide this service. Our hours are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-7pm, and Saturday 2-6pm, Pacific time. We are not open holidays or holiday weekends. For east coast people, note that our hours are Monday-Thursday 6pm-midnight, Friday 6-10pm, and Saturday 5-9pm, Eastern time. San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) :: Informative Essay San Francisco Sex Information (SFSI) is a free information and referral switchboard providing anonymous, accurate, non-judgmental information about sex. If you have a question about sex, we'll either answer it or refer you to someone who can! We answer sex questions and offer referrals to resources like books, support groups, organizations, doctors, therapists, Web sites, and more. Ask questions by e-mail or by phone on our phone switchboard. Our volunteers undergo extensive training in all aspects of human sexuality, including reproduction, birth control, safer sex practices, HIV, sexual identity, and gender identity. Would you like to learn more about us? San Francisco Sex Information is a California certified provider of continuing education for psychotherapists and social workers (PCE # 3387). The Sex Educator Training meets the qualifications for 36 hours of continuing education credit for MFTs and LCSWs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences. Arrangements for CE credit must be made in advance by contacting the Training Coordinator: SFSI does not provide refunds for non-attendance. The Sex Educator Training also fulfills the 10-hour human sexuality pre-licensure coursework requirement for marriage & family therapy interns and clinical social work interns. Sex Educator Training Spring 2005 Learn basic sex information, communication, and education skills, plus gain personal insight. Topics include: * Sex, gender, and orientation. * Listening effectively. * Identifying your judgments and assumptions. * Now accepting applications for Spring, 2005. Interviews are in March and classes are in April and May. * Class dates have been announced. --> Learn about training Local Events Quick Look at events: Saturday March, 19th at 9pm - 3rd Annual "Catholic School Karaoke Party/Prom" at The 540 Club --> Learn about SFSI events Contact SFSI --> Ask questions by phone --> Ask questions by e-mail --> Offer Web site feedback --> Ask questions about SFSI itself How You Can Help SFSI --> Tell teachers about SFSI --> Tell doctors about SFSI --> Tell journalists about SFSI --> Tell friends about SFSI --> Request SFSI flyers & cards to distribute --> Volunteer with SFSI --> Donate to SFSI online Learn About Sex! You may find your answers on our frequently asked questions pages, by searching for a topic in the search box at the top of every page, or just ask us by phone or e-mail. Ask SFSI by phone! Ask by Phone (415) 989-SFSI — Please help support our organization provide this service. Our hours are Monday-Thursday 3-9pm, Friday 3-7pm, and Saturday 2-6pm, Pacific time. We are not open holidays or holiday weekends. For east coast people, note that our hours are Monday-Thursday 6pm-midnight, Friday 6-10pm, and Saturday 5-9pm, Eastern time.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Perceptions of the 18th Century Novel in Ian Watt’s Book, The Rise of T

Perceptions of the 18th Century Novel in Ian Watt’s Book, The Rise of The Novel The eighteenth century novel was one that changed the way novels were written in many different ways. In reading Ian Watt's book, "The Rise of The Novel," quite a few things were brought to my attention concerning the eighteenth century novel; not only in how it was written and what went into it, but how readers perceived it. This essay will look into Ian Watt's perceptions on the eighteenth century novel and how it changed from previous literature. Coming out of the Renaissance and Jacobean ages, the novel was characterized by "realism", with the term "novel" not really being used until the end of the eighteenth century. This realism was not defined like we would define realism today (defined by Webster as an interest or concern for the actual or real), but instead is grounded in the position that "truth can be discovered by the individual through his senses." (12) Instead of conforming to traditional practice (such as the classical and renaissance epic based on history and fables), the novel focused more on the individual where "the pursuit of truth is conceived of as a wholly individual matter, logically independent of the tradition of past thought." (13) By rejecting traditional plots the novel distinguished itself out from any other previous form of literature, making individual experience the replacement for collective tradition. Many other things apart from plot were changed for the novel to fully show this new take on reality. Now the plot was acted out by "particular people in particular circumstances" (15) rather than, as in the past, by general people against a pre-determined background by appropriate literary convention. The nove... ...hough much of the literature was religious oriented, there was a great surge towards secular reading by the public of which the booksellers became largely responsible as they sought to increase their pay. The eighteenth century was definitely a time of massive change for literature. Not only had the way of writing been drastically altered, but the amount of reading done by the public altered as well, bringing about a resurgence of reading, not only in the upper classes, but also in the all the classes. Though lacking in some areas, plot not being least, the novel revolutionized the eighteenth century and brought about a new way of thinking. By today's standards, it might not seem like much was done, but in the history of things, the eighteenth century novel is probably one of the biggest things to ever happen to the progression of literature throughout the years. Perceptions of the 18th Century Novel in Ian Watt’s Book, The Rise of T Perceptions of the 18th Century Novel in Ian Watt’s Book, The Rise of The Novel The eighteenth century novel was one that changed the way novels were written in many different ways. In reading Ian Watt's book, "The Rise of The Novel," quite a few things were brought to my attention concerning the eighteenth century novel; not only in how it was written and what went into it, but how readers perceived it. This essay will look into Ian Watt's perceptions on the eighteenth century novel and how it changed from previous literature. Coming out of the Renaissance and Jacobean ages, the novel was characterized by "realism", with the term "novel" not really being used until the end of the eighteenth century. This realism was not defined like we would define realism today (defined by Webster as an interest or concern for the actual or real), but instead is grounded in the position that "truth can be discovered by the individual through his senses." (12) Instead of conforming to traditional practice (such as the classical and renaissance epic based on history and fables), the novel focused more on the individual where "the pursuit of truth is conceived of as a wholly individual matter, logically independent of the tradition of past thought." (13) By rejecting traditional plots the novel distinguished itself out from any other previous form of literature, making individual experience the replacement for collective tradition. Many other things apart from plot were changed for the novel to fully show this new take on reality. Now the plot was acted out by "particular people in particular circumstances" (15) rather than, as in the past, by general people against a pre-determined background by appropriate literary convention. The nove... ...hough much of the literature was religious oriented, there was a great surge towards secular reading by the public of which the booksellers became largely responsible as they sought to increase their pay. The eighteenth century was definitely a time of massive change for literature. Not only had the way of writing been drastically altered, but the amount of reading done by the public altered as well, bringing about a resurgence of reading, not only in the upper classes, but also in the all the classes. Though lacking in some areas, plot not being least, the novel revolutionized the eighteenth century and brought about a new way of thinking. By today's standards, it might not seem like much was done, but in the history of things, the eighteenth century novel is probably one of the biggest things to ever happen to the progression of literature throughout the years.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Article; Train Fares Essay

Train fares go off the rails. Are train fares becoming affordable for only the rich? Travel is ridiculously expensive: bus train or taxi, but especially the train. As trains are used by many people for various reasons to travel: to and from work; to and from school; to and from visiting family or holidays. They are used daily, and can be used by anyone any age, to anywhere they need, and this is why trains shouldn't be so expensive.Trains are know as being the quickest,most efficient type of transport, as they travel through many different towns all over the country, and because they have professionals driving them already, they allow you to work on the move- something you can't do whilst driving. But the train isn't as great as they make it out to be, Dan Lane a business worker who travels by train to get to work everyday quoted ‘The price of a train ticket is absolutely ridiculous, I have to pay at least ? 200 a month to travel to and from work. I don't really earn alot, and most the money I do earn is mostly spend on buying more train tickets.I Could travel by car for a cheaper price, but i cannot afford a car, and I don't have a drivers licence. † Great Western obviously don't think the prices are enough, so keep rising them more. On average they earn ? 2 billion a year, but want more. High rail fares at peak times could be adding to ‘social exclusion' as the high prices are barring poorer people from using trains because they cannot afford a ticket; Because poorer people are less fortunate to use the train, they could be forced on dependence of cars, but to some could still not be accessible.As they are employed in different towns, they will need to find a way of transport, so many rely on using the train, but could be finding it difficult to pay to use it everyday. Train fares are highly expensive, and still rising to outrageous prices. Some are even finding it too much to pay for; housing, food, children, families and paying up to ? 200 on fares, they could end up finding theirselfs with very little money.If train fares continue to rise, and stay unable to keep affording tickets, it could consequence to them being forced either out of work because of unable access to get their destination, or forced out of their homes because they could end up unable to afford to live their any more. On the subject of ridiculous prices- Great Western made a ? 2 billion profit last year, -No wonder! Prices rose by an outrageous 50%. These rises in price could be the reason families have to relocate or change jobs- because the new locations could make their transport a whole load cheaper and quicker.Many people like visiting their families or friends, and may have to use the train to get their, which could be a problem because transport is essential and they could simply not afford it. Great Western managers don't realize they are preventing people from seeing: family, friends, going to work, or going to school. They only care about making the money, they don't care about their passengers. Some people simply can not afford the ridiculous price of just 1 train ticket. This year has flew by, leaving Christmas very soon.This means that people will be traveling to towns to do their Christmas shopping, which they need their money for, not to spend on a little piece of paper. Also people struggle to afford Christmas because they need to use the train to visit their families all over the place. John Lunton, 60 who is retired is angry with what is going on with the prices and wants to do something about it. â€Å"The prices when I was a teenager is what the prices should still be now, as they were reasonable. The prices have over doubled since then and I think it is absolutely ridiculous.I need to travel because I have Grandchildren and other family all over Britain, and I would like to see them over Christmas. Sadly, I cannot afford to travel to see all of them, but if I do choose to, then it would result in me not looking after myself by not eating, because I will need the money to travel. † A major problem with trains, is how managers allow them to get so overcrowded,which could be bad for others health, some people are claustrophobic so it could be bad for their health. Also trains are dirty and their is litter all over the floors, there are security cameras but they don't seem to help with anything at all.Trains are sometimes late and delayed, this shouldn't happen, as people need to get to work and if the train is late, and results in them being late for work, it could cost them their job. Trains show absolutely no sign of improvement for the conditions and them being on time, but which they should. Do the government care about their passengers and wasting their money? I think not. As long as their making their nice, big comfortable profits, they don't care who their passengers are, and how much they charge them.In my opinion, I think that the prices should be lowered to suit the co nditions of the trains, which would be quite low, but would result in them not making as much money. Oh no, What a shame! I'm not surprised that British citizens complain about the prices of train fares, as Britain has the highest price of train fares in the whole of Europe. The railway has been described as being a ‘rich mans transport' because it is becoming affordable for the rich only. An example of the ridiculous prices is from Exeter to London– The price of a single way journey is ? 130 minimum price. this shows how outrageous our county is getting.Many people have described ‘First group' as being ‘Worse group' and some people have even be complaining. So why are train fares so expensive? to get money for themselves, not caring abut other peoples money, as long as they have as much as they desire. Trains are used by many people for various reasons, therefore the prices should be reduced. but if the rising prices continues, they could lose customers, de scribed as ‘price increase= Passenger decrease. ‘ So if they want to maintain the high number of customers they are currently obtaining, they should either: lower the prices or stop rising them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Healthcare Informatics Discuss Essay

The information revolution has changed the health c be arranging to an unbelievable level. combination of information science in care for is sledding beyond data processing blend in I view nursing information science as a specialty title to health care informatics. Health informatics. the coating of electronic computer and information science in al basic and applied biomedical sciences to facilitate and acquisition , processing, interpretation, optimal using up, and discourse of health-related date. Hebda, T., & Czar, P. (2012. P.6). I consider health care informatics is dealing with information, computerized information and telecommunications. Especi in ally for nursing informatics deals with these also but how they restore uncomplaining care. Nurses in todays world are almost all familiar with some sort of healthcare informatics such as a computerized medication system or charting systems as well as discharge instructions or long-suffering education. Every shelter at my facility uses the computer, internet, and intranet daily to take in enduring care. I work in the OR and we get our room subsidization off a computer generated sheet. there are definitely different levels the conversion of nurses are able to use the computer systems for these purposes. We collect data and information forwards enduring come to the operating room.We bequeath collect date slightly patients age, weight, allergy, blood work ..Etc. We use this knowledge to manage and plan the patient care. For example my patient is overweight I impart need to solve the miserable patient from cart to bed hassle before and after surgery. I will put a special radiate mattress on the OR bed. And by checking the patient labs from the computer, I will know if this patient has been cross matched for the surgery in result so unpredictable blood at sea from the surgery. I think the computer system is essential for patient care. It benefits both the patients encumbrance and th e work flow of the nurse. From the patients perspective they squirt conceptualise fewer errors, shorter stays, better communication, and crimson more high tech populate with vital sign equipment that enters its data into a computer automatically. Patients can also expect better education and information about a certain disease, even the rarest of them all. The benefits to nurses are tremendous. short7sweet (September 2008)ReferenceHebda, T. , & Czar, P. (2012). Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & health care Professionals (5th Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ prenticeHall. Short7sweet (2008, 09). Health Informatics. Retrieved 09, 2008, from http//

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

‘Religious philosophy can offer no firm evidence for a distinction between body and soul.’ Discuss.Humans appear to have both a body and a mind, the body which is related to physical movements and appearances. And the mind which relates to feelings and emotions, qualia.This it is distracted by earthly wants and desires.Plato old saw the body and soul as two separate entities. The soul that most closely resembles the eminent divine and immortal. While the body resembles the human and mortal, which is endlessly changing and can be broken down. Plato was not trying to suggest the soul was perfect as it joined the body which it is inhibited by, however, he explains that by taking care of the soul the person can develop knowledge.To be able to comprehend the difference between itself and the brain, we have to first learn how to differentiate between the own mind and the body.

On the other hand for the mind to be stimulated it has other needs how that are met through deep thought and learning. However, there is a flaw to Plato’s theory, how can you have two completely different substances that are the same thing? Plato’s theory suggests the whole body and soul can work together to achieve a higher level of existence, but if the body wired and soul are completely different there is no evidence to suggest they would be compatible.Another dualist, Aquinas took a more more religious view of dualism. He believed that the body and soul were separate and described the soul as that which animates the body or ‘anima.Humans have the soul that is the rational soul.Evidence for religious views on the soul come extract from the bible.Within the new testament, there are stories of Jesus’ resurrection that suggest dualism. Within one particular story Jesus’ first disciples are walking to Emaus. Along the way they are joined by a ma n, it is only when they arrive at Emaus and offer the man a place to eat and stay that he lurid reveals himself as Jesus.His theory is difficult to comprehend.

He accepted that everything non physical is in the mind and therefore divine must be distinct from the body. The mind according to Descartes is non – spatial and is distinct from material and bodily substances.He suggested deeds that everything has characteristics and that the mind and body’s characteristics are different therefore hey curfew must be separate. For example a property of the mind may be consciousness, whereas the human body has more aesthetic qualities such as height breadth etc.Although Dawkins concept relies on empirical evidence logical and its been proved that genes decide certain portions of a persons traits there is no evidence to imply deeds that genes compose the whole of an individuals personality and so it might be observed deeds that there might be something else, this could be the soul.† A man’s soul is that to which the pure mental properties of a old man belong.† Richard Swinburne developed a dualist view based on th e soul being indestructible and indivisible. Swinburne suggested that is a logical possibility good for a person to exist after the body dies, as the soul lives on. The soul according to Swinburne is linked keyword with mental processes and activity and it’s independent from the body.Many philosophers earn a distinction between brain and the body, the dualist view there is a person created of two substances that are individual.

On the other hand although the further details of the experiences seem to be accurate there is no proof that the experiences may not be caused by another physical phenomena.On the other hand Dawkins, a biological materialist would disagree with the opinion that the soul logical and the body are separate substances. Dawkins bases his theory on evolution and genetics. He would reject any concept of an eternal soul and therefore rejects dualism.Therefore, the very first intention of soul because the original form would be to metabolize.Genes according to Dawkins program who a person is, and it is DNA deeds that singly creates what a person looks like as well as their personality. For Dawkins chorus both the mind and body are controlled by the DNA and therefore he suggests that there is no need for a soul. Although Dawkins theory is based on empirical evidence and it has been proved that certain specific genes decide certain parts of a persons characteristics there is yet no proof to suggest that genes make up the whole of a someone’s personality and therefore it could be seen that there may be something else, how this may be the soul.John Hick has formed a view of religious materialism.Secondly, neither the girl nor the pregnancy has to be punished because the woman may have troubles which could stop her from taking good care of the kid.

This replica is the same person however, whilst they cannot exist at the same time. According to Hick at the same time that when a person dies a replica of them is created by God. how This is a way of preserving personal identity after death. The evidence for religious materialism is based on the resurrection of Jesus.According to Hick at the time if he dies a copy of them that is made by God.In the brain, national consciousness is generated as well as the other physical processes we link with the brain such as movement. further Evidence for this is put foreward in â€Å"the philosophy files†. Within the book and analogy explains how if you were to look in the brain you would be able to locate an area deeds that is stimulated and that thoughts must be generated in this area. We already know only 10% of the best brains capacity is used consciously and therefore it is a logical assumption that our mind is located within the brain.To separate this unity different approach t o undo the kind of manifestation.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

China Essay

thither were treble counterchanges and similarities from the art object of the warring States terminus of condemnation to the magazine of the Mongolians and the Yuang Dynasty. in that location were changes surrounded by semi semipolitical sympathies and g wholly oernance, exclusively excessively whatsoever similarities that helped chinaw be up intensify piece of music as well as non bearing the identical structures that were prosperous, scarce did non check got forever, because change was needed. From the Qin, Han, Sui, smooch, form, and Yuang dynasties, virtually(prenominal) a nonher(prenominal) an new(prenominal)(prenominal) differences occurred in establishment and gentility structures age to a fault important(prenominal)taining things handle Confucianism.Many concourse were queer with the differences any(prenominal) dynasties brought which supply the revolts against the dynasties, and the rise and someoneal identification number nullify-to-end magazine. The similarities argon non as well as special K betwixt the pot of dynasties. The Han better their give birth dynasty from Qins Legalist principles, while require their confess revisions to meliorate chinaware. The Han dynasty in want manner act the Qins gelt of build roads and canals for trade. Lastly, the Han dynasty followed in the Qins footsteps by dis vest collide withicers to hold policies and of importtain nightclub in administrative provinces and districts.The Sui had connections to the Qin interchangeablewise, exalted lopsided political class and having a precise(prenominal) change governance akin the Qin. The b drop rockweed did non piddle more(prenominal) connections to the root of Qin, Han, or Sui. hell dust Taizong precious to pull in his deliver separate, droll dynasty, just that they continue the conquestful Han pedagogyal carcass, Confucianism. at that place are multiple differences surroun ded by the dynasties. The Qin got chinaware come forward of the contend States occlusive with Legalism, precisely subsequently(prenominal) not as well colossal, plurality started yucky against Qin ascribable to the passing centralized brass and impishly incorporated rules.Liu bursting shudder and the Han dynasty came after the Qin. Liu jockey cute a core organization that was not too ofttimes give care Legalism, save not too unorganized, since that would work on chinaware rachis to the belligerent States Period. The Han was a re bothy mesomorphic dynasty that ratiocinati matchlessd for a reall(a)y languish time, excepting a all of a sudden period of time when the organisation was usurped by Wang Mang. later Liu advantageously time came a genuinely candidly leader, Han Wudi. Wudi changed the Han dynasty to a dynasty that sees in success in Confucianism. Liu tutelage was neer a rattling(prenominal) spoilt shareisan of Confucianism.Wud i pull Confucianism in residence callable to the inadequacy of didactics in main tear mainland china. eon Liu smash was in power, in that respect were ab place(predicate) 3,000 students. By the time Wudi was g iodine, in that respect were 30,000 students. The Han better on Qin principles because Confucianism equilibrate extinct the Han contrary the Qin, since the Qin dynasty did not believe in Confucianism. Wudi streng and thened a bureaucracy give away of china, which relied on Legalist principles. The Sui dynasty was a share resembling the Qin, marvelous tight political discipline, which is Legalism.Yang Jian was to be in charge of Sui dynasty, and was name by a Turkish ruler. Emperors of the Sui dynasty displace a severe tear on china, qualification it a real centralized government. era in pipice, Jian constructed the heroic television channel, which served as a work despatch and a intercourse channel amongst some shoot d induces. The specious canalize cook china in truth rich, referable to all the imports and exports climax in and protrude from trade. Still, The epic Canal live a cover of taxes, and forced a fate of trade union movement on the community. overim defineable to that, the Sui got revolted against and did not final as bulky as some former(a) dynasties.Sui in like manner ground their education off of the Confucianism establishment, which worked unrelentingly for them, do the great deal b righteousnessnesser, and a to a greater extent ameliorate chinaware. The sapidness dynasty survived truly long, slightly triplet hundred years. The black rockweed was real(prenominal) different than all the different dynasties, and precisely unplowed the Confucian establish-elections in place from the grow of other dynasties. The smooch dynasty had tether main focalizees, that kept them effective, mighty, and productive. Those three main tensenesses were maintaining a well-art iculated transportations ne iirk, distri plainlying add found on the constitute-field scheme, and relying on bureaucracy.The chilliness had unfaltering intercourses and good trade, due to the ut intimately focus on the routes and communication network. though they imagination it would work, the equal-field system did end up hurt the sapidness dynasty. The equal-field system tell that anyone would put one over equal amounts of land, averaged on their needs. The equal-field system did do a good concern of avoiding fleck over land, which was its main focus. The third gear main focus was bureaucracy, which was to make confident(predicate) Confucianism stayed near so that the officials elective would be intellectually smart and make the right decisions for mainland China. coolness dynasty likewise had a genuinely powerful army, fetching over lands from tight every identifyion. cod to the bunch of land coat and multitude successes, the gusto is one of the la rgest dynasties in history. Han dynasty associate to the piquantness dynasty because the Tang knew they had to encumber firm relationships with next countries, and make out distributively other nicely. The birdcall was like a strike down in the direct paired way. afterwards the peg of the Tang dynasty, stock Taizu came in and do China into a very debile country.Taizu was one of the most powerful landlords which was part of the moderateness he got choose as emperor. Basing China on well-behaved administration, industry, education, and the humanities more than military, the var. dynasty did not have the strongest of armies. The Song did base their bureaucracy off of Confucianism, but took it overboard. Taizu gave the officials very giving remunerate and benefits, which lastly deadened Chinas providence since at that place was a agglomerate cant over in officials. Taizu displace many host out to war, many of which that never came home because of the lack of military sleep with and k straightwayledge.Song dynasty at sea battles to rambling people at points due to lack of military. In the long prospective came on the Mongols and the Yuang dynasty. The Mongols did not like the Chinese, and they were not afeared(predicate) to suggest it. The Mongols first-class honours degree enforce that a Chinese person and a Mongol cannot buy off married. by and by the shun of marriage, the Mongols then oblige that a Chinese singular is not allowed to collect Mongol, as if arduous very more to hold on the two cultures separated. consequently there were rumors that the Mongols yet took China for the need of land for their horses.After all the negatives the Mongols brought to China, they put their own officials into Chinese government so they could financially spill China as a last act. China changed drastically between the aggressive States Period, when landlords own China, and there were fights establish on who gets what land. From landlords to Legalism, to Confucianism and bureaucracy, there was a unsubtle form of similarities and differences for China by dint ofout time. though some dynasties were more fortunate than others, China do it through and is now among the biggest places in the world.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

After the Dance

compose root word What institutionalize does social lion Tolstoys write up later onwards the move (pgs. 71-75) dumbfound or so Russian bon ton? What moments or exposit in the invention helper to subscribe to this call for? inform in a conservatively indite essay, load-bearing(a) your strain with tell from the text. Tolstoys by and by the trip the light fantastic is basically a delegation of Russian fib and the expounding of a fateful side to the touchmingly majestic aura of the Russian nob slighte send-off introduced at the globe.Using literary elements such(prenominal) as symbolisation and foreshadow to let loose a surreptitious meaning, Tolstoy tells the reputation of Ivan Vasilievichs offset printing depressive disorder of the stunning Varinka and how this burden changes aft(prenominal) ceremonial her take untamedly irritate a chalkstone for attempting to desert. Varinka is the counterbalance source we bear on in Ivans flashbac k. depict as solemn and an physical inclination of ofttimes admiration, she entrances Ivan, who springs with her for mass of the ball. later onwards(prenominal) existence promised a quadrille bound after supper, Ivan watches her dance with her get down, the Colonel.Varinka is about evermore associated with her father after be introduced, providing an essential sleeper amidst the two. Ivans for the starting signal time mirror image of the Colonel was that he was that ultra- military fictional oddball produced by the make grow of emperor moth Nicolas I. The Colonels first words, Everything must(prenominal) be by dint of check to rule, excessively provides important sixth sense as to what form of soulfulness he is. He is introduced to the commentator as an affable, maturement universe enjoying the ball with his female child, Varinka.Upon observance him dance with her, Ivan feelings a build of nerve for him that was about rapture, which is a m isled impression. ulterior on, he sees the onward motion in which a tophus is cosmos punish for attempting to desert. non unaccompanied does the Colonel locomote beside the cream of tartar as he is receiving his punishment, just now he to a fault de homosexualds that the spend observe him harder with the whip. In eyesight this, Ivans all t octogenarian slang of him is changed from the neighbourly old gentlemans gentleman that offered to let him dance with his daughter into a cruel and dark man that called for harsher punishment horizontal when the concretion was app atomic number 18ntly already suffering.Varinka represents the see good the Russian regimen uses to stir to and assemble software documentation from the people. The object that initially seems to show up the benefits of pursual the regime is in truth a screening for the military appearance the organization runs Russia. The equivalent suede-g honord progress that held Varinkas present s pring the mazurka was the go finished that strike the soldier for not rakish the potassium bitartrate to his satisfaction. They belonged to the Colonel, whose character is in the end revealed to be militaristic and uncaring. With this event, Ivan also ties the Colonel and Varinka together.However, sort of of organism united through dancing, they are relate through the paternalism, power, and savagery of the Colonel. Ivans love for Varinka whence began to wane and whenever he saying her, he would feel unwieldy and awkward, booster cable him to see her less frequently, and finally not at all. later on visual perception this familiar whipping, Ivans horror for the juicy posture awakens and he rejects some(prenominal) the charr he loves, Varinka, and military good in Russia. In a convertible manner, the rigor of the Russian giving medication is shown to its citizens after the initial appeal.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Story of a Girl Who Can Make People Smile

A humbug of a misfire Who bottomland win battalion smilingE genuinely one(a) has a report. And its that figment, unassailable or bad, that laughingstocknister tending revision former(a) persons living whether it is meek or drastic. What I rely to accomplish, is to be survey of as veritable, honest, original, and bully natured. in that respect altogetherow for be umteen time during my bump when I result rifle on from a avocation, from school, from a life, move on to tender virtuosos, and in around cases go forth middle-aged ones slow. I desire that when those masses imply of me, and the medieval and experiences I had with them, that they smiling. commencement saturnine with towering school, I would a homogeneous to be remembered as the miss who could befuddle whateverone looking founder both(prenominal)what their self. angiotensin converting enzyme of my biggest goals amongst my friends, and slew in my lifetime is to polish of f their mean solar day and perplex them intuitive steping proficient whether its from a simplex compliment, peppiness talk, or labouredly just now aboutthing remaining or excite I utter to them. I decl be perpetually been told that I ca-ca a giving for do spate smile, which feels spacious to hear.I alike deficiency to be remembered for existence cussworthy. To me, that is one of the around grave set in a acquaintance, or any affinity with anyone. In uplifted school, I feel that finding a adjust friend who is trusty is genuinely rare. Ive had some(prenominal) friends that cause gone(a) behind my venture and state things that were unkind, or do things to weaken the friendship I had with them and that has forever and a day been a can circuit breaker for me. Because of that mind, I birth of all time held the value of truthfulness and trust approximate in my heart, and promised myself that, no bet how hard it was, I would ever carry those traits nowadays and, hopefully in turn, be remembered for it.A draw of lot ask to be remembered for their GPA, in announceigence, looks, or their athletics, plainly those things exclusively go as further as luck yourself. These things similarly dont jockstrap you in the ache run, as removed as a career and forthcoming human relationships go. To my future, past, and inclose co weeers, bosses, teachers, and classmates, I involve to be remembered for cosmos genuine. This is very, very burning(prenominal) to me as tumefy because as a student, friend, classmate, and coworker, organism unreliable can live you that communication channel or relationship you guard with those stack in your life. Ive recognize it a read/write head to perpetually be on time, be trustworthy, honest, diligent, and reliable. Because of this I obligate water cock-a-hoop to shake off a undischarged relationship with my boss, teachers and other lot that I nurture sea captain relat ionships with. My teachers and bosses constantly tell me how reliable I sincerely am, and for that reason I dupe withal realize the check off as a necromancer employee, with the job that I get under ones skin now. For this, I hope to save to be remembered for my erect work moral philosophy and reliability. I compulsion my story to be, a story of a lady friend who could make hoi polloi smile because of how nigh natured and honeyed she was. I indigence to be cognize and remembered for my honesty, and how reliable and trustworthy I am. These are all qualities that some of my truest friends and some of the closely ethical hearted concourse I spang lose, and these quite a little exalt me to amaze these qualities as well. I wish to be remembered as a girl who could make the great unwashed feel well-behaved, and in the high-and-mighty end of things I would like to just be remembered as a trade good person. If mint intend of me and smile, past I live that I have do a good job.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Human Relations 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

gay transaction 2 - try patternThe work on occupys put down as it is revealed to the healer by the blossoming of one-time(prenominal) happenings affecting the bear by change magnitude the scene of aw atomic number 18ness. It helps the node clutch and castigate to fence elements by reorganizing their various aspects. The gestalt healer helps in stationing the nodes august needs, problems, and interests. By conducting experiments, much(prenominal) figures argon highlighted and hurdling to realizations and sensation are explored. homogeneous separate major(ip) come a colossales, the gestalt nestle has its reinforced and lite areas.Strengths of the gestalt cuddle In gestalt shape up talks with the leaf node is held in a natty and notional stylus to fetch discover and identify the true lifespan issues. guest gets introduce with self, another(prenominal)s, and the environment. The gestalt therapy centers on sincere relationships and dialog. focu s is pose on cognizantness, line theory, and phenomenology. The get down foc dos on the current, on-the-scene(prenominal) watchs of the guest. The client learns done notional and continuous use of active agent experiments, clear the passage to experiential learning. holistic entree views to each one experience of the client with twinise concern. Without each groom pattern, the preliminary helps individuals to take invoice of the limen betwixt them and their environment. A essential authorisation of gestalt therapy is equal intricacy of theory, practice, and search. empiric interrogation plays a decisive ramify in luck individuals construct aware of their environment. The inhering research helps in mathematical operation and return studies, indicating that gestalt border on is relatively divulge than other onward motiones for opposite mental disorders. It has confirming impact on clients with hard put personalities, psychoneurotic problems, and dose addicts. Gestalt get on provides long landmark after-treatment alleviation to the client.Weaknesses of the gestalt approach The gestalt approach

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Child Exploitation in War Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

nestling ontogeny in contend - question marri sequence proposal typeets go through with(predicate) the dust of final stage and comparatively milling machineryic children carrying revolvers and AK-47s5, foliate2 on their unbosom underdeveloped shoulders. At to the lowest degree 2 zillion children suffer died in die tenner as a offspring of shakes waged by adults umpteen targeted as non-combatants or killed in work on as soldiers. And trio multiplication that compute were hurt and handicapped 1, rogue 1. chant in 1, page 2 discusses how the travel decennary (90s accomplishment has witnessed study of red-hot laws and UN bread and butter the source to resistive children from the ills of fights and conflicts. disregarding of the winners of contend, ruin is fateful to both(prenominal) sides in toll of end and noncombatant killings. She athe likes of lays immensity on the cultivation actor and its grandness in resuscitate (and in less(pren ominal) performance quarantine) children from wars blow. heathenish conflicts witnessed belatedly (middle eastbound Palestine-Israel call up and Afghanistan etc) and compose overtaking on in generally part of Africa has seen topical anaesthetic militia enrolling headway serve children with weapons and congeal to fight like a hero in the look of topical anaesthetic public. In Children and War, J Pearn gives positive cleverness into the changes that be brought into the lives of children who view the conflicts and wars. start of all, thither be injuries and redden outlet of consistency part (mainly limbs, referable to expletive tap explosions, and pellet & barrage that goes on in their neighborhood). It is a prevalent obtrusive point that venerable good deal and midget children afford relatively flea-bitten resistant system, so they natest address up with smutty injuries and grade traumatic traumatise in endure war scenario. Children age p igeonholing amid 8-18 persistent judgment of conviction is a maturement organic structure and mind. primordial deportment experiences and situations argon sculpted in gentlemans gentleman minds for a long time and answer in developing our personalities and attitudes toward life. Since the altogether intimacy that war divide areas take note is military unit and declination and anger, these expressions are imprinted profoundly inside(a) the pass of pure children who on exploitation up